Growing Minds Learning Center


Growing Minds Learning Center provides tutoring and homework club services designed to foster lifelong learning in its members. Students learn essay-writing techniques and gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses – providing a safe space to explore themselves further.

Growing Minds Learning Center LLC holds an NPI number of 080557321. This is a 10-digit medical identifier that serves to identify this clinic uniquely.

Learning Environment

Growing Minds Learning Center is a non-profit organization operating licensed child development centers in Escondido and Oceanside, CA. They aim to provide children with interactions, instruction, and environments proven by research to foster learning and development while connecting children and families with local schools and community organizations.

Growing Minds offers activities for students of all ages. Infants and toddlers enjoy a nurturing environment while learning to explore their world more confidently, while older children share ideas and continue playing for extended periods. Furthermore, our teachers possess significant expertise while maintaining respectful relationships with parents.

Clinics that belong to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services use National Provider Identifier numbers to validate their credentials, with patients being able to manipulate these 10-digit medical identifiers online or by calling the clinic directly to schedule appointments with doctors. The number is easily accessible via their official websites. Patients can contact you directly, too, to make appointments.


At Growing Minds Learning Center, teachers are committed to supporting the students’ growth. Their instructors believe that children learn best when given the freedom to seek answers for themselves, so their curriculum helps foster each child’s independence, creativity, and intelligence while encouraging parents to join as partners in the educational process.

Growing Minds Learning Center provides Lincoln-area families with childcare. Their teachers help their students meet important milestones through play-based educational activities while nurturing social development in a safe and nurturing environment.

Growing Minds Learning Center hourly pay rates may vary significantly based on factors like location and industry. Clicking the company name will reveal more information regarding salary ranges and an estimate for similar businesses in its sector.

Growing Minds enhances early childhood care and preschool settings by offering teachers coaching, training, and support. Our coaching services enable educators to translate theory and jargon into practical strategies. Growing Minds serves home-based early care providers and preschools located within Charlottesville city limits and surrounding counties – Fluvanna Greene Louisa Madison counties among them – along with community members wanting to start high-quality child care programs in their locality.


Growing Minds Learning Center offers tutoring services for students of all ages in multiple subjects. Their tutors are qualified professionals who use personalized teaching methods that engage and focus students, including homework help and test prep services. Their tutoring fees depend on the subject matter and number of sessions taken; additionally, they offer discounts when parents sign up multiple children simultaneously.

They have an outstanding track record for helping students meet their academic goals through individual and group tutoring, test prep classes, IEP on-one instruction, online learning options, and flexible scheduling to accommodate busy lifestyles.

Example services provided include writing tutoring services, which teach students to write an essay from scratch, write compelling arguments and cite sources properly, edit their work, and edit others’.

Growing Minds offers group lessons for students with similar interests and needs at reduced hourly rates, giving students more freedom to discuss ideas and pose questions without interrupting tutoring sessions. New prospective students are welcome for free trial lessons – these services are open to K-12 12 students covering subjects like English, math, and Spanish.

Homework Club

Growing Minds Learning Center is an afterschool tutoring and homework club designed to foster lifelong learning for its participants. They aim to guide students in understanding their strengths and weaknesses and offer essay writing classes to strengthen their writing abilities. Students learn to write and adequately cite essays from scratch and research sources. Students may sign up whenever convenient – even during COVID-19 closing periods! They offer flexible time slots, so they don’t miss any sessions!

They also host an outdoor nature club known as Little Seedlings that aligns with Ohio Early Learning Content Standards and hosts seasonal events open to both members and the general public.