Do Dentists Lye About Root Canals?


Root canals are an effective, safe treatment that can alleviate tooth pain and save healthy teeth from being extracted. Unfortunately, like any medical procedure, there may be unexpected issues arising during root canal therapy that arise that require special attention and consideration.

Root canals often raise concerns that bacteria from them could spread to other areas of the body and lead to diseases like heart disease and arthritis, according to research done over 90 years ago. But such research was long discredited.


Many people dread hearing “root canal,” yet this vital endodontic procedure can alleviate discomfort, eliminate infection, and save your tooth. Unfortunately, misinformation surrounding root canal therapy exists, with some dentists even lying about its necessity.

Figuring out whether a patient requires root canal treatment can be tricky. There may be telltale signs and symptoms to help detect infected teeth, but ultimately, diagnosis must be made after performing a comprehensive clinical exam and review of his or her dental health history.

Dentists look for additional signs that a tooth needs a root canal, such as pain, swelling, and discoloration. These could include sudden pain with no apparent source or trigger, discomfort in certain positions, and sensitivities to hot and cold foods.

Dentists typically look out for signs of calcification on the tooth, as this could indicate its nerve has become exposed and dying. Suppose a dentist determines that root canal therapy is required. In that case, they will advise their patient to undergo it quickly to avoid having their treatment fail and cause painful abscesses and serious complications to arise.

Some dentists have a negative reputation for performing unnecessary root canals or suggesting therapy when a simple filling would do. This may be due to various reasons, including fear of the complexity and length of the procedure, financial constraints, or an inability to keep pace with current technological advancements.

An individual who suggests a root canal without sufficient clinical evidence that their tooth needs one could be guilty of dental malpractice, especially if the procedure fails and leads to loss of the tooth, infection, and bone loss in surrounding teeth. Furthermore, performing root canal procedures without sufficient evidence that supports such treatments is illegal in most jurisdictions.


Misdiagnosis of dental conditions by dentists is an uncommon occurrence; however, misdiagnoses do happen occasionally and could include unnecessary root canal procedures being recommended due to inexperience, lack of cutting-edge technical equipment, or age factors. Therefore, it’s crucial that when selecting your dentist, it always pays to research them first before making your choice.

Root canal treatment involves extracting and disinfecting the nerve from within a tooth before filling it with material to prevent future infection and protect decontaminated teeth from further invasion by microbes. A dentist may suggest root canal surgery when there is an infection in a tooth’s pulp or significant nerve damage caused by trauma to its pulp or large fillings that penetrate its nerve tissue, deep decay or cracking of its structure, or direct physical irritation due to sports-related injury of mouth and jaw.

Dental check-ups are essential in maintaining optimal oral health. Regular cleanings can detect early warning signs of any issues; any pain or discomfort must be addressed promptly in order to avoid needing root canal therapy.

If ever in doubt about a diagnosis or recommendation from your dentist, never be shy to seek a second opinion. You’d be amazed to discover just how often online rumors turn out to be nothing more than that!

Unfortunately, there are those in the dental industry who try to take advantage of it for financial gain. Although most professionals prioritize patient well-being first and foremost, if a dentist uses heavy advertising or discounts or has billboards along the road advertising their practice, it’s wise to trust your gut and move on, as these types of methods often operate on a quota system and push unnecessary procedures on customers. A quick way of spotting this practice would be asking for a complimentary cursory exam and estimate before any work commences.

Inexperienced Dentists

Root canals can be performed safely and painlessly when administered correctly. Once an infected pulp has been extracted, its surrounding area should be sterilized and then filled with a unique material that keeps bacteria at bay – however, an untrained dentist could end up misdiagnosing the condition and recommend unnecessary procedures like root canal therapy as treatment options.

Misdiagnosing patients and forcing them into root canal treatment are caused by many different reasons; experienced dentists should recognize this. First, they might not understand the anatomy of a tooth or the difference between a root canal and a cavity. Furthermore, inexperienced dentists might not understand the importance of investing in modern equipment to accurately evaluate a patient’s condition – particularly true if they fail to regularly attend seminars on best practices or update themselves on best practices themselves.

Unexperienced dentists may be unfamiliar with alternative, nontoxic forms of dentistry and may, therefore, not understand the risks associated with root canal therapy or how best to treat them, particularly common among business dentists whose focus may lie more on maximizing profits than providing the highest-quality care.

Experienced dentists might recommend root canal treatment based on pressure from patients or insurance companies to do so. Unfortunately, many individuals choose the closest or cheapest dentist without giving much thought as to which is the right fit – often leading them to recommend services to secure business and make more money in return.

One reason inexperienced dentists might recommend root canals is due to a lack of knowledge on the latest advances in dentistry, specifically scientific studies demonstrating links between root canals and systemic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, you must conduct your research and select a dentist who is open to non-toxic approaches when caring for teeth.

At the core of it all lies one key takeaway: root canal therapy should never be seen as your only choice. If you are suffering from discomfort, be sure to locate a dentist who listens carefully to your concerns and carefully examines your condition.


Misinterpretations by inexperienced dentists who lack training can lead to unnecessary root canal procedures. Therefore, it is always advisable to obtain a second opinion before beginning any form of treatment.

Symptoms may differ dramatically between people, even within one tooth, with some experiencing no noticeable symptoms at all while others experience low-grade chronic pain over time. In extreme cases, such as with an acute apical abscess, symptoms could include sudden severe pain with a throbbing sensation, swelling of surrounding tissues around the tooth, and extreme sensitivity to temperature, sugar, pressure, or biting pressure.

Bacteria in the root canal system of a tooth frequently cause these symptoms. Although generally harmless, certain strains of bacteria found in your mouth may migrate into filled roots and set up houses. Once they do so, they mutate to adapt to their new conditions by producing more potency toxins than before, leading to more severe and frequent infections than would otherwise exist.

Therefore, it is of vital importance that teeth with root canals have been appropriately drilled and cleaned without signs of problem. Root canal treatments may help relieve any associated toothache symptoms, but only when indeed required.

Some unscrupulous dentists will perform unnecessary root canal procedures in order to turn a profit. This may happen because they overestimate damage, misdiagnose a root canal, or want to charge insurance companies more.

Take time to find a qualified dental professional and review their track record before selecting one. This can be done by visiting their website, reading reviews, or researching online profiles; if something seems off about a specific dentist, it might be beneficial to seek second opinions or referrals to specialists.