Mother’s Day Plants


Consumer surveys reveal that plants are the top gift choice for Mother’s Day. Plants provide the ideal way to show appreciation to mothers, friends, and mentors in the workplace.

Orchids are an exquisite symbol of beauty, grace, and affection, making them an excellent Mother’s Day present. Additionally, pink or white roses make excellent choices as gifts as well.


Begonia flowers are attractive for adding brightness and vibrancy to the garden, hanging baskets, and window boxes. Begonias thrive in partial or filtered sunlight environments. They are quickly started from seed indoors between December and January for summer blooming or outdoors after the last frost date has been reached.

Start with a fine-textured potting mix and moisten the soil, pressing seeds into it before covering them with milled sphagnum. Cover your container with plastic wrap or glass to maintain moisture levels at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit until germination occurs, approximately ten days later; once that happens, remove the plastic to avoid overwatering the seedlings.

Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 6-9. These plants can be upright or trailing with single or double flowers in red, pink, orange, yellow, and white shades. Their dark green foliage features heart-shaped leaves; planting tuberous begonias in containers or directly into the ground requires rich, loose soil with fast drainage in partial shade for best results.

Cane-stemmed begonias (Begonia boliviensis) are a beloved staple for hanging baskets. Producing graceful arches of colorful blooms that form graceful arches when disturbed, these vibrant bloomers thrive best when placed in rich, well-draining soil in partial shade conditions.

Wax-leaf begonias (Begonia X tuberhybrida) have lush green foliage and long stems topped by vibrant, showy flower heads in shades of pink, white, yellow, or red. Easy to grow indoors or out, preferring partial sunlight or shade conditions with well-draining soil conditions.


Mandevilla (commonly called the ‘Rock trumpet”) is a tropical flowering plant that brings vibrant color and beauty to any garden. Easily adaptable, this fast-growing vine requires warm temperatures and ample sunlight to flourish, making them suitable for hanging baskets, window boxes, or mixed containers as well as directly planting into beds or borders for blooming throughout spring through fall (with proper care, they may rebloom later on!). Bloom times range between spring and fall, with some varieties blooming even further!

Mandevilla plants require rich soil that drains quickly to prevent root rot from overwatering, so it’s wise to only water when the surface feels dry with your fingers. When repotting, use a quality potting mix with compost or organic material such as peat. This will allow moisture retention for healthier, longer-lived flowers. In addition, fertilize your Mandevilla regularly using an appropriate feed high in phosphorous.

Hummingbirds are attracted to the tubular blooms of Mandevilla plants, visiting them often to take nectar from them and feed on them – leading some people to refer to this shrub as “hummingbird vine.”

It draws birds and butterflies to your garden, and this flowering vine attracts bees and other beneficial insects that help fertilize it. You can train it over trellises or wireframes to create living art in your landscape – use chicken wire to form three-dimensional forms or regular wire to introduce it into letters and words like your name or particular messages!


Ajuga is an easy-care ground cover ideal for shaded areas. It grows well in rich, moist soil and can quickly cover an entire planting bed in just a few years. Ajuga pairs perfectly with other shade-loving plants like pachysandra and lamium. Ajuga makes an attractive border edge choice, and there are various varieties available, such as “Atropurpureum,” with purple- or bronze-hued leaves; “Burgundy Glow,” with variegated pink/white leaves; while “Black Scallop,” with dark foliage – making an excellent addition to any planting bed!

Ajuga should be taken cautiously as it may cause digestive upset for some individuals and have hormone-like effects that should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Furthermore, it may trigger migraine headaches in some individuals; therefore, it would be wise to consult your physician before consuming ajuga if you are taking medication or have had prior episodes of migraine headaches.

Plant Ajuga in the fall or early spring in shady or partially shaded locations with rich, moist soil. Space the plants 8-12 inches apart to form dense mats that keep out weeds as they grow. Ajuga plants tolerate light to moderate frost and can be planted in shade and sun.

Ajuga can be easily propagated by separating overcrowded clumps and transplanting them elsewhere in your garden or landscape. Or you can grow it from seed; plant seeds in a container filled with seed-starting soil and cover. Within three to four weeks, they should sprout.

Hanging Basket

UF/IFAS experts suggest giving Mom something living this Mother’s Day, such as a beautiful hanging basket of flowers or foliage. Living gifts last much longer than cut flowers, allowing her to add her personal touch by tending them for personalization in her home. “Gifting her a living plant can be just as thoughtful and meaningful as making breakfast or going out for lunch,” notes Tia Silvasy of Hillsborough County Extension’s residential horticulture agent team.

An elegant hanging basket filled with vibrant mixed annuals makes Mother’s Day present ideal. These low-maintenance plants will enliven any space with vibrant splashes of color, making a statement in your garden or patio space. Pick colors that complement each other for an eye-catching display, and plant in sunny locations using soil that drains well while remaining consistently moist but not soggy to ensure healthy growth and an abundance of flowers and foliage to enjoy for years.

Consider giving your mom something exotic with an elegant flourish: a Polka-Dot Begonia (Begonia maculata). This striking houseplant features elegant, wing-shaped leaves covered in shimmering silver polka dots to bring elegance into any room – it makes an excellent present that doesn’t require much care!

Anthuriums (Angelica annuums) make another attractive and symbolic hanging basket choice, representing love and fertility. A beautiful Anthurium makes the ideal present for a mother who appreciates gardening or is just starting; these plants thrive under bright indirect lighting with only occasional watering needs.

Polka-Dot Begonia

Begonia maculata is an attractive, fast-growing houseplant that’s easy to care for. The plant takes its name from its silvery, polka dot-like spots that cover its dark olive-green leaves – making this plant an excellent addition to home decor while simultaneously serving as an indoor garden! Thanks to its attractive appearance and easy upkeep requirements, Begonia maculata makes a perfect addition.

Begonia maculata, commonly called the Polka Dot Begonia, requires bright but indirect lighting and moderately warm temperatures to thrive as a tropical houseplant. Drafty windows or A/C vents should be avoided while humidification will help boost its health as a Polka Dot Begonia requires optimal humidity levels to thrive.

Plants tolerate direct sunlight, but too much sun may lead to faded and crispy leaves. Overwatering is another frequent problem with this plant species; water only when the soil becomes dry – moisture meters are ideal for monitoring this aspect.

Begonia maculata thrives when placed in a quality houseplant potting mix. Garden soil should be avoided as it contains pests that will be transferred onto your begonia and do not offer enough aeration for optimal growth. You can add perlite, extra coco coir, or delicate moss to lighten it up and enhance drainage; just be careful not to add too much of these ingredients; too much can make the soil too heavy for your begonia! Organic slow-release fertilizers should feature balanced ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (also called NPK or NPK fertilizers) to support green leafy growth and blooming blooms.