Agenda and Minutes of a CEC Business Meeting


The CEC will discuss and vote on items on its agenda, with those who cannot attend in person being able to participate remotely.

(e) Any location specified under Subsection (e), as well as each remote location from which a member of a governmental body participates, shall be open and accessible to members of the public during all parts of any meeting that are open to public attendance.

Agenda Template

An agenda template is an invaluable way for meeting participants to establish the primary topics of a discussion, helping ensure the meeting does not drift from its goals and results in fruitful dialogue that moves organizations forward. Furthermore, an agenda ensures that only relevant topics are covered during sessions to save both time and resources.

Based on the purpose of your meeting, there are various agenda templates available. A primary business meeting agenda could consist of a brief bulleted list, while more comprehensive plans might include references and projected outcomes for every discussion topic. Formal schedules might provide timing and presenter details; city council agendas often contain sections for public comments through open forums.

Agenda templates must include a section to encourage note-taking during meetings. This lets attendees capture key points during discussions and will prove invaluable when reviewing meeting minutes afterward.

Templates must also contain a list of meeting participants to identify who is accountable for each task and ensure all stakeholders are involved in the discussion. Furthermore, device policies can help determine whether attendees may use personal devices during meetings.

Business meetings can be time-consuming and challenging to manage without proper structure. This template is intended to maximize the efficiency of your next appointment by limiting topics discussed and setting milestones for progress. Furthermore, it will assist with defining key issues facing your organization and potential solutions.


CEC 7 will hold their following calendar and business meeting Tuesday August 1, 2023, at 6 pm at their District 7 Office located at 501 Courtlandt Bronx, New York 10451. Both in-person and via Zoom are welcome – click here to register for a Zoom call.

At any open portion of a meeting, all videoconference call participants shall be visible and their voices audible to members of the public at both physical locations outlined in Subsection (e) and any other venue where such meetings are open to members of the people. Equipment used to photograph, record, or broadcast meetings may be utilized provided it does not obstruct deliberative processes, and the governmental body has established rules governing their use.

Jamaica 311 is an initiative of A Better Jamaica, Inc., a nonprofit New York State corporation with tax-exempt status that accepts donations that can be tax-deductible. We welcome your support!


Check-back meetings allow team members to review progress on action items discussed during previous meetings, keeping everyone accountable and celebrating wins and successes. It is recommended to set aside a time during every meeting when team members can give shout-outs to other members of their organization for something positive that happened since the last meeting; this will encourage team engagement while building a positive culture within your organization.

At meetings, teams can also brainstorm new ideas and propose motions to address items on the agenda. This helps keep teams on task and ensures all meeting goals are accomplished. By posting a plan before every meeting, all team members know what to expect during these sessions.


Minutes from a CEC business meeting are the official written record of discussions and decisions taken at a company or organization’s meeting. They serve as an essential reference tool for those attending as they can quickly recall important topics discussed, decisions made, and who was present at conferences; in addition, meeting minutes are often required by law if your company operates under state laws.

Minutes should be clear and concise. They should be written in simple past tense and include information like the name of the meeting, its location, start and end times, as well as participants. Furthermore, minutes must also have their date and who prepared them.

One way to ensure accurate meeting minutes is for the person taking them to have all necessary documents, notes, and presentations ready before taking notes in real-time during a meeting, ready for approval at its conclusion.

At meetings, those taking minutes must take great care not to interpret or report what occurs during discussions or record every conversation in detail. Instead, focus on meeting agenda items and results rather than who said what or how people felt about something; also, avoid reporting on personal opinions or discussions that don’t relate directly to meeting goals.

Use of a template or outline can save time during meetings and prevent confusion. Once minutes have been drafted, they should be carefully reviewed and approved by an employee representing your company before being stored safely and accessibly – usually through your corporate secretary or another designated employee who manages meeting minutes preparation and distribution.